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Black History Month

The month of February is Black History Month. My objective in choosing some of the books is to give a better understanding of what people of color have gone through in the past and what they are still facing in the nation today.

The Undefeated Written

by Kwame Alexander

illustrated Kadir Nelson

I am going to start out with this beautiful book. I couldn’t believe it, there was two metal stickers on the front of the book. This means that the book won both The Caldecott Medal Award and The Newbery Honor Book Award. I don’t believe I have ever seen a book has been awards

The Caldecott Medal is awarded for "most distinguished American picture book for children” and awarded to the illustrator. When I read the book I could understand why. A review I read stated, “The illustrations, photo-realistic oil paintings by Kadir Nelson, are the highlights of the book”.

The John Newbery Medal is award for "the most distinguished contribution to American literature for children".I would go on to say the power of the poem is also a highlight of the book and this is the reason the book was awarded this Honor. The back 4 pages of the book are historical facts to finish and round off the impact of the book. If I were a teacher I would use this book in A Black History Study, a Black Lives Matter Study, A Civi War Study and the list could go on and on. I would use it any time for any reason to enjoy the power behind reading and discussing it.

The Story of Ruby Bridges

by Robert Coles

Illustrated George Ford

I remember all of the hype about integrating white and black schools back during the 1950s. Busses were busing black students out of their neighborhood schools and placing them in predominately white schools in white neighborhoods. When I looked into some newly written articles, I found a news article that talked about the fact that segregation is still with us today. Sometimes it does not make sense to bus a child from a neighborhood when that school is often an icon of the community and transport them into another neighborhood.

As I was reading the book The Story of Ruby Bridges, I wondered how Ruby felt as she walked into the school, down the sidewalk lined with angry parents and national guard men with guns. Ruby is walking down the sidewalk, she stops and faces the line of people.

There were no other children in the classroom with her, just Ruby and the teacher, because the parents wouldn’t let their children go to school with a black child. A good book to read and then discuss feelings and racism.

Black Heroes:

A Black History Book for Kids:

51 Inspiring People from Ancient Africa

to Modern-Day U.S.A.

written and Illustrated by Arlisha Norwood

These are stories about people from Pharaohs from ancient Africa, people in slavery, civil rights movement to modern day heroes. Some people you have recognize is Sojourner Truth, Frederick Douglas, Harriett Tubman, Rosa Parks, Malcolm X and of course Martin Luther King, to name a few. When I got on to order the book, the book was out of stock making it very popular. This book would be a good reference book for Black History month.

So Other People Would Be Also Free

The Real Story of Rosa Parks for Kids

by Tonya Leslie PhD

Rosa is still remembered for refusing to move to sit at the back of the bus. During this time period Black people had to ride in the back while the white people rode in the front. Black people would have to enter the bus at the front to pay and then get off, walk to the back of the bus and enter in the back door. And many times the driver would drive off and not give them the time to get back on the bus. They would not only miss the bus but also had already paid the fair.

This book tells why Rosa Park, American civil rights activist, did not move to the back and about the injustices that often happened. She decided to stay seated and she made history from that decision.

Roll Thunder Hear My Cry

by Mildred D. Taylor

This is a story of prejudices in a town in Mississippi. Story follows Cassie and her siblings as they experience life in the racial segregate rural south. In 1933 during the great depression Cassie, a 9 year girl narrates this story about the atrocities and prejudices heaped against her family and other black families in the community.

It's reading books like this that helped me understand the pain and suffering to black families that racism causes. I believe every person in America should read this book.

More Resources

Brightly Raise Kids Who Love To Read is a website that you can search to find many kinds of books. I went to:h and found a number of good books to read aloud to them or let them read to themselves dealing with Black History Month.

Civil Right Timeline

I found a time line for the Civil Right Movement and was impacted by this because I am reader and I read a lot about it as it was happening. I have vivid memories when Governor Wallace went up and hit a black women on the legs because she was in line to vote. Also the three Freedom Riders were shot and buried in s sallow grave. It might be interesting to review this. Here is one possible sites.

Jylene Morgan is a retired educator. She is passionate about the importance of reading aloud to children from top quality children’s books. Writing about her life experiences she captivates her audience by telling the tales of her family’s adventures. The first several books are written about funny exchanges that occur when human and wild animal’s lives come together.

To read more about me, my passion for reading aloud to children and my books go to Make sure you join our mailing list so you receive Jylene's "Most Treasured Books List". So you can also be the first to know when Jylene's next book, BUMMER and the Nanny Goat, is available.


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