Family Christmas Read Aloud Showcased at LA Times
Hi, I am a NEW BOOK being showcased at the LA Times Book Festival in a little over a week. I am designed to bring families together with stories, with fun, to create a love for each other and a love for literacy.
When you open my cover and look inside at my pages you will read interesting background knowledge. For example, the why and how Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer was written. You will learn about the great lengths Jan Brett traveled, to gather background knowledge for writing the book Home For Christmas. There is also a suggested video that teaches you how to draw a moose.
Of course, there are suggested books about Jesus and a lamb, the night before Christmas, and many about Christmas trees. My author even suggests how to connect reading and writing. And don’t forget she even includes ways to converse about the book or story.
As you are reading my pages and enjoying the information about these 12 recommended delightful Christmas books, remember it is all about bonding time, reading aloud, sharing ideas, and just plain having fun.
Yours Truly,
Family Christmas Read Aloud Book
Click Here to Order
Also Available on Amazon
Jylene Morgan is a retired educator. She is passionate about the importance of reading aloud to children from top quality children’s books. Writing about her life experiences she captivates her audience by telling the tales of her family’s adventures. The first several books are written about funny exchanges that occur when human and wild animal’s lives come together.
To read more about me, my passion for reading aloud to children and my books go to Make sure you join our mailing list so you receive Jylene's "Most Treasured Books List". Books by Jylene Morgan are available and fully distributed, check out your local bookstore, Amazon, or